Shaw Elementary School
Shaw Elementary Music
Welcome back, Sundogs!
We love music at Shaw Elementary and we believe that it is an important part of your children's education. We offer opportunities for all students to participate in music appreciation classes and perform a grade level concert. Throughout the year DRUMS, GUITAR, STRING ORCHESTRA for 4th/5th grade and CHOIR for 3rd-5th grade are offered as SEMESTER music clubs that meet before or after school.We also make every effort to involve the community by bringing musicians in to share their talent with us, or by taking field trips to learn more about what our community has to offer in the field of music.
Click on the links below for a video activity with Mrs. West!
The Adams Family Cup Game (you need a cup and a buddy or two or three)
- PIANO TOUR (What does the inside of a piano look like?)
- STRAW PAN FLUTE (straws, hot glue gun, tape and scissors)
- Do, Re, Mi (a short lesson in reading notes)
- CUP GAME (a plastic cup)
- DRUM SHAKER (plastic container w/ lid, pencil, push pin, bead, string, hot glue gun)
- STRAW CLARINET (a straw and scissors)
- REAL EGG SHAKERS (egg, glass, glue, pushpin, popcorn kernels, tissue paper)
- MOUTH BUZZER (materials: 2 popsicle sticks, 3 rubber bands, a straw)
- Water Xylophone (materials: several glasses, water, and a wooden or plastic spoon)
- BOX HARP (materials: a box, rubber bands)
- Soap and Water (Dance with Mrs. West and Zoe)
- Body Percussion 1 (Rhythms with Mrs. West)
- RECORD PLAYERS ROCK! (a mini-lesson)
Music Books are the Best!
- Silly Dilly Song 2
- The Lady with the Alligator Purse
- Guido d'Arezzo - the man who invented music notation
- Miss Mary Mack - clapping game
- Jazzy Miz Mozetta
- Silly Dilly Song #1
- A Symphony of Whales (A true story)
- Mole Music
- Short'nin' Bread
- Froggy Went A Courting
- Big Rock Candy Mountain